Best Cycling Accessories of 2018

Greetings, fellow cyclists! I hope all has been going well with you in your cycling adventures thus far in 2018. Today, I’m going to be sharing with you the best cycling accessories of 2018. If you’ve been shopping for bicycle knickknacks that will help to improve your overall ride, this is the post for you!…

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30 Basic Maintenance Tips for Cyclists

Hello, cyclists! I hope that the week has been treating you all well so far. Before I begin, have you checked out my last post titled “Workouts for Indoor Cycling“? If you’re finding yourself struggling continuing your cycling routine in the winter, this post is for you. There are many great workouts that you can…

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Chris Froome Scandal

A while back, I published an article titled “Who Is Chris Froome?” This might be a relevant article to revisit due to the popular headlines in this week’s news. If you’ve been tuning into the news, you’ve probably seen headlines that look like this: Tour de France Winner Chris Froome Failed Doping Test Tour de…

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Ask Bart Haynes: Best Cycling Blogs of 2017

Hello, fellow cyclists! Today, I wanted to dedicate a post to other corners of the Internet that share my love of cycling. I recently received an email asking about a list of cycling blogs I’d recommend. Therefore, today’s sharing is in honor of that question. Below, you’ll find links and excerpts from 5 blogs that…

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Video Edition: Choosing a Bike

Hello and happy holidays to all of my fellow cyclists! It’s hard to believe that today is December 1st. Christmas will be here before you know it. If you’ve stumbled upon this post via an Internet search, chances are that you’re in the market to buy someone you love (or yourself!) a bicycle. I remember…

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Ask Bart Haynes: Common Cycling Injuries

Hello to all of my fellow cycling friends! Today, I’m going to share another post under the category of “Ask Bart Haynes.” A buddy of mine was recently talking with me about a cycling injury he’d gotten on his foot which led him to asking me the following question: “What are the most common cycling injuries…

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How to Pick Cycling Shoes Part 2

About a month ago, I posted a few general tips regarding how to pick cycling shoes. Since this is a popular topic and a common question for most beginning cyclists, I wanted to expand upon the idea a bit more by discussing the categories of cycling shoes that will help you make your decision. Furthermore,…

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Why is Cycling Good for your Knees?

Years ago, I used to be a runner. When I was in my twenties, I lived in Arizona and ran to my heart’s content every morning. While I liked to call myself motivated and driven, my friends used other adjectives like crazy and insane. Looking back, I guess I can see why; waking up at 4:00 a.m. to lace up my…

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23 Benefits of Cycling

Greetings, cyclists! I hope that you all are having a wonderful time cycling in the sun as summertime weather greets us and daylight lengthens. This past week, I’ve been hitting the pavement every morning as usual. Since adopting a riding schedule that allows me to bike on a daily basis, I’ve been feeling physically better…

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