Cycling and the Body | Barton Haynes

Have you ever wondered exactly what physical benefits you gain by riding your bicycle? Both the mental and physical aspects of cycling can be tremendously advantageous for your health. Inspired by “This is Your Body on Cycling” and “What happens during one hour of riding your bicycle,” we’re going to take a look at how…

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Barton Haynes Blog: Most Popular Posts

Greetings to blog followers, fellow cyclists, and those who have just happened to stumble across this post. Today, I’m going to step back in time and share some of my most popular posts with you all. After blogging for so many months, I’ve accumulated quite the collection of cycling posts. Many are for new cyclists…

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Improving Cycling Times | Barton Haynes

A friend of mine began cycling roughly 5 years ago and has recently found himself hitting a plateau. He told me, “I’ve been riding consistently every week but haven’t seemed to be able to improve my times.” Despite the fact that he rides regularly, the uniformity of his cycling doesn’t make up for the lack…

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Top 3 Cycling Injuries | Barton Haynes

Greetings, cyclists! Today, I’m going to be sharing a short list of the most common cycling injuries that cyclists face in the saddle of their bike. Most of these injuries are sustained due to lack of knowledge and improper form. Below is a list reviewing each of the most common injuries and how to prevent…

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The Best Exercise Bikes | Barton Haynes

Today’s post comes as a suggestion from our readers over at After finding my blog, they asked me to review a recent article they published titled “The Best Exercise Bikes.” I recently received an email stating the following: In recent years, spin classes and stationary bikes have become all the rage for anyone looking…

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Workouts for Indoor Cycling

Happy January, fellow cyclists! Today’s inspiration comes directly from an article from titled “Make the Most of your Trainer Time with These Indoor Cycling Workouts.” This fantastic read suggests how to get a premium workout and keep up your cycling schedule while stuck indoors during the wintertime. As I’ve mentioned before, this isn’t a…

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Ask Bart Haynes: Best Cycling Blogs of 2017

Hello, fellow cyclists! Today, I wanted to dedicate a post to other corners of the Internet that share my love of cycling. I recently received an email asking about a list of cycling blogs I’d recommend. Therefore, today’s sharing is in honor of that question. Below, you’ll find links and excerpts from 5 blogs that…

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Ask Bart Haynes: Common Cycling Injuries

Hello to all of my fellow cycling friends! Today, I’m going to share another post under the category of “Ask Bart Haynes.” A buddy of mine was recently talking with me about a cycling injury he’d gotten on his foot which led him to asking me the following question: “What are the most common cycling injuries…

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Why is Cycling Good for your Knees?

Years ago, I used to be a runner. When I was in my twenties, I lived in Arizona and ran to my heart’s content every morning. While I liked to call myself motivated and driven, my friends used other adjectives like crazy and insane. Looking back, I guess I can see why; waking up at 4:00 a.m. to lace up my…

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23 Benefits of Cycling

Greetings, cyclists! I hope that you all are having a wonderful time cycling in the sun as summertime weather greets us and daylight lengthens. This past week, I’ve been hitting the pavement every morning as usual. Since adopting a riding schedule that allows me to bike on a daily basis, I’ve been feeling physically better…

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