4 Mistakes New Cyclists Make | Barton Haynes

Bart Haynes here, setting a few basic ground rules for getting started cycling that will save you major headaches (or body aches). I’m a big advocate for getting started with cycling on the right foot – or the right wheel, so to speak. I’ve learned many lessons the hard way because I picked up cycling…

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5 Tips for the First Cycling Race | Barton Haynes

Bart Haynes here with some tips for your first cycling race. The first cycling race you go on will be a bit nerve wracking. Have I trained enough? What if I screw up? What if I can’t make it? These are the kinds of questions that race through your mind, especially when you are packed…

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5 Gadgets I Use for Cycling | Barton Haynes

The most necessary items to bike are obvious: a good bike, bike shoes, bike clothes, bike pants, and a helmet. But necessary is not the same as essential. You need more to remain: Comfortable Safe Efficient In other words, happy riding requires more comforts than the basic essentials. Here is a small list of other…

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3 Cycling Mistakes I’ll Never Make Again | Barton Haynes

Anyone who has been cycling for a while has made mistakes. A mistake, simply put, is usually something that you laugh about later, but really sucks when it happens. In cycling world, this almost always involves either a crash, or a crippling setback. Usually it’s a crash. Hopefully, our cycling mistakes aren’t catastrophic. I’ve seen…

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Desert Cycling | Barton Haynes

Those who know me well can state with confidence that my atmospheric preference for cycling lies in the desert. I’ve always been a warm weather guy which is why I’ve chosen to settle in Rancho Santa Fe, California. I hit my stride in the saddle when the sun is hitting my back. Because the weather…

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Connecting with Local Bike Shops | Barton Haynes

When you bike starts having trouble, you will wish you had a good relationship with a reliable bike shop. When you get over the winter seasons and are ready to start riding again, you will benefit from having a good relationship with a local bike shop. And when you have questions about bikes or are…

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Cycling Podcasts | Barton Haynes

Barton Haynes here with another cycling blog post for all of my cycling-obsessed readers. For those of you who can’t stop thinking about cycling whether or not you’re in our out of the saddle, this piece is for you. Today, I’m discussing my favorite cycling podcasts for those of you who want to listen about…

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Five Tips to Better Cycling | Barton Haynes

How many of you are fans of YouTube? Do any of you subscribe to WIRED? If so, you might have noticed that their featured video on their home page is currently titled “Why It’s Almost Impossible to Ride a Bike 60 Kilometers in One Hour.” For those of you who missed it, I’ll include the…

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